Mentoring Academy

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Mentoring Academy

The Mentoring Academy is designed to develop the mentoring skills of MCCTR-funded investigators, young investigators, and faculty members who wish to serve as mentors for MCCTR investigators. Eligible applicants include faculty members and young investigators at Tougaloo College, UMMC, University of Southern Mississippi, University of Mississippi-Oxford, Mississippi State University, and other colleges and universities in Mississippi.

The academy consists of seven sessions (1-2 hours each) related to topics ranging from effective communication, aligning expectations, assessment of understanding, promoting nondiscrimination, fostering independence of trainees, and promoting professional development. These sessions will take place during the 2024-2025 school year and will occur biweekly from September through November 2024. The specific dates are TBD based on the participant and facilitator schedules.

Faculty with established mentoring and funding track records will serve as facilitators for each topic. Success will be determined by two outcomes. First, all participants will be able to articulate their approach to mentoring at the conclusion of the sessions. Second, all participants will complete a survey that will serve as an assessment tool to evaluate program efficacy for each class and compare data longitudinally.


The Mississippi Center for Clinical Translation and Research is currently accepting applications for the 6th Annual Mentoring Academy. To apply, please submit the application face page, a curriculum vitae, a 1-2 page application letter of interest, and a letter of support from your department chair or a senior faculty member to Applications are due by August 16, 2024.

For more information